Journal of Research for Christianity in China, No. 22, 2024



编者的话... 1

From the Editor1


 稿... 7

Special Articles7


天主教传华日常经文的形成——以“圣号经”、“天主经”、“圣母经”为例(古伟瀛)... 8

The Shaping of the Daily Sutras of Chinese Catholic Church (Wei-ying KU). 30


一般论文... 31



《希腊文亚当与夏娃生平》的思想世界及其社会处境(李丞欣)... 32

The Thought World and the Social Life Setting of Greek Life of Adam and Eve (Chenxin LI).  75


创造与救赎:诺斯替派与爱任纽对《创世记》2:7阐释的对比研究(徐俊)... 76

Creation and Redemption: A Comparative Study of Gnostic and Irenaes Interpretation of Genesis 2:7 (Jun XU). 98


《以西结书》枯骨谷异象的隐藏文本(卢家辉)... 99

“Hidden Transcript” of the Vision of the Valley of Dry Bones in Ezekiel (Ka Fei LO). 123


The Subversion of שָׁלַח–Divorce in the Hebrew Bible (Menghun GOH). 124


生死与超越:“永生”的多维分析及其在约翰福音中的神学意涵(江耀国)... 152

Life, Death, and Beyond: Multidimensional Analysis of ζωὴ αἰώνιος and Its Theological Implications in the Fourth Gospel (Yao-kuo Eric CHIANG). 172


“道”入《圣经》(一):重探新教中文《圣经》“道”译Logos的历史起点(周歌珊)... 173

Taou, its paths into the Bible (I): Revisiting the Inception of the Taou-Logos Translation in Protestant Chinese Bible (Elsie Ge-shan ZHOU). 196


叙利亚教父塞鲁格的雅各人论探究(段文郡熠)(Wenjunyi DUAN)............. 197

Study on the Anthropology of Syriac Church Father Mar Jacob of Sarug. 222


基督圣徒及其悖论性(唐洪林)... 223

Christian Saints and Their Paradoxical Nature (Paul Honglin TANG). 244


天道人生:论耶稣与孔子的人生观的相通性(汤士文)... 245

Heaven’s Way and Life: On the Commonalities between Jesus and Confucius's Outlook on Life (Shiwen TANG). 264


旅途中的教会:圣经、神学与历史透视(李雋)... 265

The Pilgrim Church: Biblical, Theological and Historical Perspectives (Chun LI). 276


议程设置视角下的十字军东征缘起:以教皇乌尔班二世的演说辞为中心(张诗尧)... 277

On the Origin of the Crusade Army from the Perspective of Agenda-setting Theory:A Case Study of UrbanⅡ’s Sermon (Shiyao ZHANG). 298


当代基督教合一运动“利马文件”初探(孟祥交)... 299

A Study of the Lima Document in the Christian Unity (Xiangjiao MENG). 318


对基督教周刊《天风》编辑人员的考证和考察(1945–1949)(李文力)... 319

An Investigation on the Editorial Staff of Christian Weekly Tien Feng (1945–1949) (Wenli LI). 340


教会医院与近代江西地方社会(丰慧萍)... 341

Nanchang General Hospital and Social Changes in Modern Jiangxi (1897–1937)  (Huiping FENG). 372


清末民初来川传教士著述中的成都城市形象(唐冬梅、刘虹余)... 373

Missionary Writings on City Image of Chengdu in Late Qing Dynasty and Early Republican Days (Dongmei TANG, Hongyu LIU). 386


书评... 387

Book Reviews387



论中国哲学精神以及中国哲学发展脉络:读冯友兰的《中国哲学简史》(张容德)... 392

开启哲学研究之门:读《西方哲学简史》(田野)... 404

中国哲学研究之导引——读冯友兰《中国哲学简史》(顾彦申)... 416


编辑部启事... 425

Announcements from the Editors425


《中国基督教研究》优秀论文奖... 426

《中国基督教研究》优秀博士生奖... 427

《中国基督教研究》稿约... 428

《中国基督教研究》注释体例... 429